Desperate single banker KIDNAPPED young woman to con parents into thinking he was married

An unlucky in love young man has been arrested for kidnapping a young woman off the streets to con his disappointed parents into thinking he had a wife.
Despite he is rich , desperate banker Liu Hung, 32, couldn't woo women and every year his demanding mum and dad would ask him why.

Liu Hungso, in order to impress them, Hung waited in the bushes of a nearby park and pounced on the first lady to walk past, before tying her hands up with rope and taping her mouth shut.
He then carried her home to the city of Daliang, in the south of Liaoning Province, in north-eastern China.
The next day he told her they were to get married and set off to arrange the formalities. But the young victim managed to partially free one of her hands and dial her boyfriend's number using the man's landline telephone.
He then raised the alarm with police who traced the number and arrested Liu as he arrived home with the wedding paperwork.