Russian president Vladimir Putin says war with Ukraine is ' improbable'

He said on Russian TV: “I think such an apocalyptic scenario is unlikely. No-one wants conflict on Europe’s border, especially armed conflict.” 
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives to give a speech during an award ceremony in which he gave awards to 30 veterans of WWII

Vladimir Putin has said war with Ukraine is “unlikely” and stressed his support for the Minsk ceasefire agreement as the best way to stabilise the region.
Asked about the threat of deeper conflic t, the Russian president said on Russian TV: “I think such an apocalyptic scenario is unlikely. No-one wants conflict on Europe’s border, especially armed conflict.”
But Ukraine says Russia is helping rebels in its east. And UK pilots are worried about Russia “buzzing” the UK. The British Airline Pilots Association said: “We’re are concerned about infringements.”