Teacher stomping on pupils 'because they forgot to do their homework'

What a evil world we live in, Shocking footage has emerged of a teacher stomping on the backs of her young pupils because they 'hadn't done their homework'.
Two pupils lie motionless on the floor while the woman jumps on their backs as a form of punishment for not completing their work, according to a Ghana news website, Pulse.com.
The woman was a teacher at the Multi Educational Complex at Wassa Akropong in the Western region of Ghana and has been identified as Christiana Owusu.

Reports from the country suggest that the pupils have been subject to this method of discipline for some time, but authorities in the region have refused to act.
Late last year a Ugandan nanny was filmed as she attacked a small toddler because she spat her food out on the floor.
The 22-year-old woman stamped on the toddler as well as kicking her and dragging her around the room.