Schoolgirls thought to have fled Britain to join ISIS in Syria and become Jihadi Brides

There are possibilities that three schoolgirls have fled the UK in a suspected bid to travel to Syria and join ISIS.
Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and an un-named 15-year-old, all from east London, flew to Istanbul, in Turkey, from Gatwick airport on Tuesday without leaving any messages behind for family or friends.Kadiza Sultana was last seen on Tuesday before heading to GatwickShamina Begum was last seen on Tuesday before heading to Gatwick
The youngsters, who police fear may be heading to join terror group Islamic State, are all pupils at the same school and are close friends, police said.

CCTV footage from Gatwick Airport shows Kadiza Sultana walking through security on her way to the gateISIS supporters are believed to be offering cash incentives to encourage schoolgirls to travel to the group's de facto capital Raqqa and marry fighters.
It was reported in December that ISIS channels money for travel expenses through international money wire systems, enabling the group's UK cell to offer significant sums of cash to disenfranchised teenagers.

Culled: DailyMail