MH370 Found? Aviation expert identifies wreckage,needs £1.3million to find it...

An aviation technology expert may have found the remains of the missing MH370 flight - but says he needs £1.3million to find it. According to Mirror Uk,Andre Milne, who is voluntarily investigating the missing Malaysia Airlines flight which disappeared in March last year, has identified wreckage in the ocean between Malaysia and India.He is insisting that the remains - in the Bay of Bengal - must be investigated.

Milne, who works in military aviation technology, hopes to crowdfund a project with supporters pledging £6.70 each.He said:

 "This area is not being searched.I need your help in order to verify one way or another whether this is in fact MH370.This disappearance of this aircraft has touched every single person who has heard about it.It touches us all differently."
The plane’s disappearance has baffled the world’s aviation experts, with theories ranging from alien abduction to a Russian hijack.