Media: Merkel tells Putin to stick to Minsk, or face tougher Western response

According to the publication, last year the United States allowed Germany to lead in settling the Ukrainian conflict, with Washington hoping that Merkel would succeed in effectively bringing the conflict to the end.
But Washington, now dissatisfied with the course of events, actually gave an ultimatum to the Chancellor of Germany: If there is no significant improvement in the situation in the near future, it will be necessary to take a much more tough approach in relations with Russia.
Merkel in turn conveyed the ultimatum to Moscow, according to the source.
If Russia does not start fulfilling the conditions of the Minsk agreement "Europe and the United States will create a powerful anti-Russian alliance and increase pressure on the Russian Federation," the source said.
Many experts now believe that Russian President Putin is already ready to "leave" the Donbas, but only on conditions he sets himself.