I'm The New Normal- Caitlyn Jenner Says While Applying Makeup In New Documentary(Photos)

The Today show shared the clip from the eight-part documentary series, which will premiere on E! on July 26. Caitlyn who was seen applying makeup said

'Isn't it great that someday you'll be normal - just blend into society?' Put it this way: I'm the new normal.'You start learning the kind of the pressure that women are under all the time about their appearance,' she says as she applies makeup. 'A couple of weeks ago, actually a professional came in and did my makeup.
 What a difference!''Maybe this is my greatest calling in my life,' she says. 'Be honest with myself, be honest with my family - maybe end up helping other people.'
She adds: 'So many people go through life and they never deal with their own issues. How many people go through life and waste their entire life because they never deal with themselves, who they are?'