Protesters Throw Insults At Russell Brand At Anti-austerity March: 'F*** Off Back To Miliband'

Response: Brand did not respond to the abuse as he stood preparing to speak at the event on SaturdayThe comedian-turned-activist appeared on stage at the anti-austerity march in London on June 20, which grew in a crowd of a reported 250,000 people. The rally was to protest against the latest wave of government spending cuts from the Conservative government.
Not everyone was pleased to see Mr Brand participate: while he famously said that he was against voting, he interviewed former Labour leader Ed Miliband before the May election and came out in support of the party, while telling people to vote Green in Brighton.

Such a u-turn was not welcome by a small group of people who hurled abuse Mr Brand as he awaited his appearance on stage. One person shouted, "Sell us a book on revolution and then tell us to vote Labour? You're a turncoat!"Stand-off: Russell Brand is held back by a friend as a group hurls abuse at him during an anti-austerity march
Another vocal opponent of Mr Brand shouted, "This is a man who thinks the aristocracy has the same f***ing problems as us. F*** him. He should not be on a stage Ask them how much they paid him? You have no f***ing place here!"
Not that the two incredibly vocal individuals had much of an impact on Mr Brand, who tweeted plenty of pictures of anti-austerity marchers who supported his presence at the rally and his invitation to speak in Parliament Square:
 The protest at the weekend began outside the Bank of England and ended at Parliament Square. It was one of the biggest anti-austerity events in recent years and the first major protest since the new Government was formed. Earlier in the day Charlotte Church joined thousands of protesters on the anti-austerity march from London's financial district to Parliament