The group unveiled a nearly 9-foot tall bronze statue of a goat-headed Baphomet in a private ceremony attended by 600 ticket holders, Lucien Graves, co-founder of the national Satanic Temple organization in Boston. The Satanic Temple in Detroit has more than 200 registered members.
"They are so active and well-organized," Graves said. "There's probably been another wave of interest since this event."
The Detroit chapter is the first of the national organization, Graves
said. He credits the Detroit chapter's founder Jex Blackmore with the
growth of the chapter since it was established there in August 2014.
"It's more or
less because of her. She was just a very confident person who started
working with us," Graves said further. The pair met in Boston and then
she moved to Detroit and set up a chapter there.
Blackmore said it is their largest chapter.
"I think the Temple appeals to the radical, politically-charged spirit
of the city and many are drawn to us as a force of positive, effective
change in this community," Blackmore said.
The statue was originally planned to sit at the Oklahoma state capitol,
but the state's supreme court banned all religious displays there,
including the Ten Commandments. The statue was created through $28,180
fund-raised by 1,041 people on last year. The fundraising
page said the statue's purpose was to contrast the Ten Commandments
monument that was previously on display.
Graves said there are 20 chapters across the country with about 20,000 members as a whole.
Tickets for Saturday's event were $25 and the location was revealed only to ticket-holders.
According to its mission statement, the national organization, The
Satanic Temple, "facilitates the communication and mobilization of
politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual
liberty." Among the causes it supports are gay marriage, reproductive
rights and eliminating corporal punishment in schools. The national
organization does "not promote a belief in a personal Satan."
"To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from
supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions," the FAQ of indicates.
Meanwhile, Christians in Detroit protested the event nearby. The event
served "as a call-to-arms from which we’ll kick off our largest fight to
date in the name of individual rights to free exercise against
self-serving theocrats," according to the invitation.
"People are trying to push religious agenda, whether it’s part of the
public opinion or not," Greaves said. "Groups will take it as slander
against them and it’s just not the case. We don’t really care if they’re
offended or not."
Baphomet was chosen for the statue because of the contemporary
recognition of it as a satanic figure and it illustrates the
“reconciliation of opposites,” Blackmore said.
“The Baphomet is both beast and man, female and male, one hand is
pointed toward the sky, the other to the ground,” Blackmore said. “It's
representative of the dualities of our nature
Source: ABC News