Boy Flees After Hacking Grandpa To Death In Delta

Oghara village in Delta State, has been thrown  into confu­sion following the alleged killing of an 85-year-old grandfather by his grand­son who he shared his three bedroom mud apart­ment with.
He was said to have al­legedly used an axe to hack his octogenarian grandpa to death after an argument with the deceased over his drinking habit.

Sunday Sun reports that,the 19-year-old suspect has since gone into hiding, having realised the enormity of his offence. The lifeless body of the de­ceased was discovered in the pool of his blood in his residence, according to a relative who pleaded not to be mentioned in print.
“The old man had just re­turned home from an outing when the suspect alleged, that his grandpa was under the influence of alcohol and about going for another round of drinking spree. So, the suspect sought to pre­vent the octogenarian from going out,” the source ex­plained.
In the ensuing struggle, the suspect took an axe and hacked his grandpa to death. Consequently, he dis­appeared into the thing air before the arrival of sym­pathizers who trooped in to witness the gory incident. Sunday Sun gathered that the deceased had on several occasions raised the alarm over the spate of threats of attack by his grandson. He was quoted as saying that if any untoward event hap­pens to him his grandson should be held responsible