Striking Photos Of Newborn Lying Next To Mother's Caesarean Wound Gets 11.5m Views &200k Likes

This striking photograph of a mother and baby taken just three days after being born by caesarean section has taken social media by storm. Helen Aller, 29, took the black and white image of the woman and her newborn lying next to her wound.
The new mother, who does not wish to be identified, was terrified of having a C-section but wanted the picture to be taken as the operation had saved her and her baby. The image touched a nerve around the world after Helen shared it online, and it has been seen 11.5 million times and liked by nearly 200,000 people.
Photographer Helen, from Guernsey, often takes photos of newborns and their mums, but said she wasn't prepared for the reaction her latest shot received. Do you think it’s adorable? What’s your thought on this?