12 Year Old Boy Prosecuted For Raping Sister After Getting Addicted To Hardcore Porn

 A young boy aged 12 years has pleaded to 6 counts of rape in court after getting hooked to porn and raping his younger sister.

He has been ordered by the judge to seek help after he told his sister if she didn’t have sex with him “she wouldn’t be his sister anymore”. According to the court in Cheltenham, the boy had searched items on the internet like 'incest' and even told them that the act was consensual.

 He was sentenced to 12 months referral order and ordered not to have contact with anyone younger than 16 – his sister - inclusive while his internet use will also be monitored.
His solicitor Gareth James, told the court that the offence was “experimentation of a sort, albeit completely inappropriate.”
The incident happened in 2014 and the boy who's now 14, will be monitored by police until he's 19.
The court has banned the media from publishing the boy's names or sharing his photos.
Source: Metro UK