Trump List Top Priorities; Health Care, Border, Job

US President-elect Donald Trump visited Congress on Thursday and proclaimed that health care, border security and jobs will be his top three priorities when he moves to the White House next January.

Continuing a Washington victory tour of sorts after his presidential election shocked the world, Trump and Vice president-elect Mike Pence sat down with House Speaker Paul Ryan and then with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to discuss the Republican priorities in Congress.

Ryan and Trump had a testy relationship during the campaign, with the House speaker last month saying he would not defend the nominee after Trump's lewd comments about women were made public.

Now that Trump is the president-elect, Ryan appeared friendly and gracious as they met, first over lunch and then in his Capitol office.

"We had a very detailed meeting," Trump told reporters at a brief photo spray.

"As you know, health care -- we're going to make it affordable. We are going to do a real job on health care," he said.

Trump made repealing Obamacare, and building a border wall between the United States and Mexico, pillars of his presidential campaign.

Trump said he and the Republican majority in Congress were going to accomplish "absolutely spectacular things for the American people," adding he was eager to get started.

Afterwards, following an hour-long meeting with McConnell on the other side of the Capitol, Trump stood at the Senate majority leader's side and stressed that "we have a lot to do."

"We're going to look very strongly at immigration," he said.

"We're going to look very strongly at health care, and we're looking at jobs -- big league jobs."